Social Justice Discussion Group, Thursday October 1st, 6:30pm

We meet the first Thursday of each month to discuss social justice resources and share our learning journey.

October 1st, 6:30pm Meeting – Consider the following questions:
What is our current racial climate? How did we get here? How are different groups of people affected (black people, white people, other groups)?

Select a book, movie, or podcast to learn from (or more than one), and reflect on current events. Choose from recommended resources below, or choose something else and tell us about it. See recommended resources below zoom link.

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Recommended resources:

Library materials on Social Justice: The Racial Divide – many of these also available through the library’s Overdrive and Hoopla e-collections.

Podcast: 1619 (NYT) – 5 episodes that cover a lot of ground
Podcast: Code Switch (NPR) – A multi-racial, multi-generational team of journalists fascinated by the overlapping themes of race, ethnicity and culture, how they play out in our lives and communities, and how all of this is shifting.

Movie: “The 13th”  – documentary available on Netflix about the criminalization of African Americans and the prison boom
Movie: “Rosewood” – about a black town in FL, burned to the ground
Movie: “Gideon’s Army” – documentary on racism in the criminal justice system and public defense

See also Social and Racial Justice for a larger, growing list of library resource on this topic, and Racial Justice Resources for other internet resources.