Social Justice (Book) Club – Organizational meeting Thursday September 3rd, 6:30pm

Thursday September 3rd, 6:30 p.m.

Are you looking for an opportunity to learn about and discuss current social justice issues? Join Ingrid for a collaborative planning meeting, whether you bring specific ideas or are just curious. No need to read anything before this meeting! Teens are welcome.

Plans so far are as follows: This will be a (modified) literary-salon style group, which means there will not be one assigned book each month, but instead there will be a theme and a list of suggested materials, including books (non-fiction and fiction), DVDs, and sometimes other media such as podcasts or blogs. Choose something from the list, find something on your own, or just come to the meeting to learn, and then read/watch/listen to something recommended after the meeting.

The focus is on learning with no barriers.  Within this starting framework, ideas are appreciated for themes, materials to include on lists, or other thoughts you may have on how to make this a productive learning experience for all.

See Zoom link below.  Contact for more information.

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