Next Whodunit Book Club – Wednesday, October 21st, 6:30pm

OCTOBER 21ST: Maisie Dobbs, Jacqueline Winspear

“In the aftermath of the Great War, a former officer has founded a working farm known as The Retreat that acts as a convalescent refuge for ex-soldiers too shattered to resume normal life. When Fate brings Maisie a second case involving The Retreat, she must finally confront the ghost that has haunted her for over a decade.” (Overdrive eBook, Hoopla audio, print)

Please join us at the next Whodunit meeting on Wednesday, October 21st at 6:30pm. Email Beth ( for more information.

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Meeting Summary for Still Life by Louise Penny

Six readers gathered via Zoom to discuss the first Chief Inspector Gamache book. Everyone enjoyed the fictional village of Three Pines in Quebec, Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, and Penny’s writing. Folks who’ve read more of the series felt the books improve in the sequels. Sometimes things seem a little too perfect, but Penny does display characters’ weaknesses as well as strengths, and includes not just a mystery, but a diversity of themes and a mindfulness not to re-use the same plot pattern. She includes dark elements such as mental illness, but also many cozy elements. Some found Three Pines reminiscent of Lopez Island, as when residents generally kept doors unlocked, except to prevent neighbors from dropping off too much zucchini. The theme of CHOICE was evident in many places, such as this quote from Gamache speaking to Nichol:
“I watch. I’m very good at observing. noticing things. And listening. Actively listening to what people are saying, their choice of words, their tone. What they aren’t saying. And this, Agent Nichol, is the key. It’s choice.”
Another favorite Gamache quote is his four things that lead to wisdom, that we learn to say, and mean:
“I don’t know. – I need help. – I’m sorry. – I was wrong.”

We ended with a discussion of the title. Gamache and Myrna discuss a personality type that doesn’t grow or evolve, that lead “still lives.” Later, Peter realizes this was Ben. The book ends with a reference to the title as well.


NOVEMBER 18TH: The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, Alexander McCall Smith

“The story of the delightfully cunning and enormously engaging Precious Ramotswe, who is drawn to her profession to “help people with problems in their lives.” Immediately upon setting up shop in a small storefront in Gaborone, she is hired to track down a missing husband, uncover a con man, and follow a wayward daughter. But the case that tugs at her heart, and lands her in danger, is a missing eleven-year-old boy, who may have been snatched by witchdoctors.”(Overdrive eBook & audio; print)


DECEMBER 16TH: “Literary Salon-style” Meeting

Bring one or two (or more, if we have time) mystery series or authors that you’ve enjoyed. Hearing about a variety of titles will give us ideas for future reads.