Watch The Village Square Recording: Re-Opening the Lopez Island School

Watch the Village Square recording here

This episode of the Village Square focused on updating the community on the plans to re-start in-person schooling for Lopez Island School District (LISD) students.

Panelists include:

Carl Bruner—LISD Interim Superintendent

Mary Fordham—LISD Interim Elementary Principal

Martha Martin—LISD Secondary Principal

San Juan County Health Department Representative

Hosted by Malia Sanford—Lopez Island Library Programs and Outreach Manager

This will be an opportunity for the Lopez Island community to virtually meet the new LISD interim administrators, and to hear what the re-start plans are, and what safety measures will be taken to minimize risk. As with every Village Square episode, there will be time in the final portion of the program for audience questions using the zoom webinar Q&A feature.