Social Justice Discussion Group, Thursday January 7, 6:30pm

The Social Justice Discussion Group meets the 1st Thursday of the month to discuss social justice resources and share our learning journey.  Zoom link and resource links below.
Where are you in your learning journey? This group is a safe space for all stages and ages interested in social justice to meet, whether you attend once or often. We want to make this a vibrant group,  and welcome input by email ( as well as from attendees.  If there is interest, we could discuss an assigned book each month, or the impact of racism on a specific group of marginalized people, or resources for different age groups, or…? What would you find helpful?
Select a book, movie, or podcast to learn from (or more than one), and reflect on current events. Choose from recommended resources, or choose something else and tell us about it.
Social and Racial Justice (more comprehensive book/DVD list)
These lists are updated regularly as new items are added to the collection.

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