Saturday, March 9th at 3pm: Community Conversation – “American Creed” (at LIFRC)

On Saturday, March 9th at 3pm in the Lopez Island Family Resource Center’s Conference Room, there will be a film screening and community conversation about the PBS documentary, “American Creed.” The topic of the film and the subsequent discussion centers on a key question, ‘what does it mean to be American today?’

In the documentary, former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David M. Kennedy come together from different political points of view to investigate the idea of a unifying American creed.

Their spirited inquiry frames the stories throughout the film of citizen-activists striving to realize their own visions of America’s promise across deepening divides. The discussion that will follow the screening will be an opportunity for audience members to reflect upon their viewing and to respectfully discuss American ideals, and how Lopezians situate themselves within these national values.


This is 2nd program in the two-day series focusing on community-building through conversation. The first program is on Friday, March 8th, “Civil Conversation in an Angry Age.

American Creed: Community Conversations is a project of Citizen Film in partnership with the American Library Association and the National Writing Project, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.