New catalog interface – Apollo

philosophy-980x250You asked for a more user-friendly interface and here it is Apollo’s Lopez Island Library Catalog

Features that may interest you:

Reserve Express: In My Account, you can select authors whose books you’d like to reserve as soon as they arrive. Reserve ahead of time!

Have Some Favorite Authors? Click the “receive new books” link and a list of popular authors will appear.   Select your favorite(s) from the list and a reserve will automatically be placed for you when any new titles arrive at the library!

Going Out Of Town?You can avoid losing your place in any reserve line by indicating when you will not be available. If your turn comes up, you simply move one place down in line. You’ll get that favorite item you’ve been waiting for without going to the end of the line. To indicate when you’re unavailable, click “deferand you’ll see a calendar pop-up. Click any date to mark it is an unavailable. It will turn blue. Click again to mark it is as available. It will return to white. You can move to different months as necessary with the arrows in the top left and right. You can also click/hold across days or weeks to mark a date range.

Is The Library Missing Something? Place a request for an item here and this will inform the library staff of your request.