YARLI Book Club – Tuesday, November 3rd, 5:00pm

The Young Adult Readers of Lopez Island (YARLI) meet the first Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm to discuss a tween or teen book.

The November read is A Heart in a Body in the World by Deb Caletti OR any other book by this author, who writes mostly young adult realistic fiction. At present, our membership is all adult, but tweens and teens are most welcome. Contact beth@lopezlibrary.org for more information. Please join us on Tuesday, November 3rd at 5:00pm.


On October 1st, seven members discussed the middle-grade novel Eventown by Corey Ann Haydu. The general consensus was a thumbs-up for the age group and enjoyment of the main character, Elodee’s voice and personality. Though slow at the start, the plot engaged as the main characters grew and learned from one another. As adult readers, we wanted more detail, more backstory and world-building, but  kids don’t necessarily require this. Most creepy in the “perfect” Eventown was the library with blank books! Give this to students who like character-driven novels with magical realism.


In December, we will share books around the theme of Winter/Holidays. See the Booklist for suggestions or choose your own title. Tell us about other books with this theme!