What a lovely time of year to come to the Village for the monthly First Saturday Art Walk on December 7, from 5-7 pm.
Begin at the Lopez Library for Artists talks at 5 pm featuring Jessica Velo and Lopez Library Artists in Residence Julia Mira and Barbie Paulsen. Click here to read more.
The Friends of the Lopez Island Library will also have their holiday book sale featuring beautiful cookbooks, art/photography books, children’s books, and of course holiday books from 4- 7 pm at the Lopez Library.
At 6 pm there will be artists talks at Chimera Gallery for their Holiday Group Show featuring many artists and contribute to the annual raffle that benefits the Lopez School Art Program.
New! Now there will be monthly art openings at the Gathering Place featuring Lopez Artist Guild Members– beginning with the work of Audrey Bordvick who will do an artist talk at 6:30 pm (work featured below). The Gathering Place is located within the Lopez Hamlet, just east of the Lopez Village Market parking lot. Follow the lit walkway. There will be light refreshments served.
All the locations will be open from 5-7 pm as will Skarpai, located next to Setsuni in the village.
Artwork by Audrey Bordvick