Asian Americans and African Americans: adversaries or allies?

Social Justice Discussion Group meets the first Thursday of every month at 5pm. All are welcome, whether you have attended before or not. We  will watch several short videos together and discuss them.  Join us! See Zoom link at bottom.

Building on last month’s Asian American theme, we will consider the relationship between Asian Americans and African Americans. There is a long history of both allyship and division. We will watch two clips from a Washington Post Live video called Race in America: Allyship with NAACP LDF President and Director-Counsel Sherrilyn Ifill and AAJC President John C. Yang.

This sets us up well to end with a Ted Talk by Heather McGhee: Racism has a cost for everyone. This is a very compelling talk and I hope you will watch it even if you don’t come to the discussion group! (no need to watch in advance if you are coming, just to clarify)

This will be our last regular discussion meeting, at least for a while. I just don’t have time to properly manage and promote this group, but will continue to purchase social justice materials for the library, and will look for ways to promote and discuss social justice issues.

Recommended resources:

We created a webpage tile of Asian and Asian-American resources and started a new materials list called Asian and Asian-American Voices.

Additional library materials on Social Justice: The racial divide, antiracism and reflection – many of these also available through the library’s Overdrive and Hoopla e-collections. See also Social and Racial Justice for a larger, growing list of library resource on this topic, and Racial Justice Resources for other internet resources.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 0105 5946
Passcode: 587738