Summer Teen Aid Applications Now Available

The Lopez Library is seeking two teen Library Aids for the summer months. Applications are available at the circulation desk, or you may download the application here, and print and return to any library staff.
The deadline to apply is Monday, May 13th.


  • Must be at least 14 years old
  • Ability to arrange items in numerical and alphabetical order
  • Physical ability to push, bend, stretch, reach, lift and read book spines
  • Current knowledge of young adult books, movies and music
  • Willingness and ability to work independently and collaboratively
  • Have parental approval


  • Shelve books and other materials
  • Prepare new library materials for cataloging
  • Assist in moving library materials and changing displays, as needed
  • Assist with programs under supervision of staff
  • Advise staff on developing teen programs and teen reading, music, and movie lists

Time Commitment: 9-12 hours/wk for 90 hours total over the summer

Wages: $10.20 an hour. Note: stipend paid in one lump sum at the end of the summer by non-profit Friends of the Lopez Island Library

Questions? See Ingrid Vliet, or call 468-2265


Sponsored by Friends of the Lopez Island Library