Summer Reading 2020: June 21st – August 21st
Despite the unusual circumstances of the Summer of 2020, the Lopez Library is still pursuing the goal of empowering people of all ages and abilities to utilize our collection and services to develop a love of reading and books and words. As always, during the summer months, we’ll be offering summer reading challenge sheets, catered towards each reading age group, to encourage and keep track of what you are reading this summer. In addition to reading prompts, each challenge sheet also has prompts for getting outdoors, and pursuing other creative and educational activities. And as always, there will be prizes for all participants!

To participate and receive prizes, submit a completed Summer Reading Challenge Sheet by August 21st. To return your sheet(s), put them in an envelope and drop into a library book drop; or take a photo or scan your log-sheet, and email to Please remember to write your name!
Click the below links according to your reader age to view the relevant Summer Reading Challenge Sheet.
Additionally, the Library is offering free weekly take-home activity packets (in lieu of live programs) with hands-on creative and playful activities for families. To learn more about these and to register for a packet, please follow this link.
The purpose of the Library’s Summer Reading initiative is to encourage a love of reading and learning while school is out. Reading is a fundamental skill, and children who read for pleasure are known to do better in school based on many metrics. We are all more willing to spend time doing things we enjoy, and in turn we get more out of them.