Social Justice Discussion Group, Thursday November 5th, 6:30pm

We meet the first Thursday of each month to discuss social justice resources and share our learning journey.

November 5th, 6:30pm Meeting – Consider the following questions:
How has systemic racism affected you? What is your role, or what is your white privilege? What can you do to be an ally or an anti-racist?

Select a book, movie, or podcast to learn from (or more than one), and reflect on current events. Choose from recommended resources below, or choose something else and tell us about it.

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Meeting ID: 824 7523 4702
Passcode: 372226
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Recommended resources:

Library materials on Social Justice: Antiracism and reflection – many of these also available through the library’s Overdrive and Hoopla e-collections.

Podcast: Sounds Like Hate (Southern Poverty Law Center) – New in August 2020, focuses on the stories of people and communities grappling with hate and searching for solutions.
Podcast: Silence is Not an Option (CNN) – Digs deep into the reality of being black and brown in America today, and explores what you can do to help find a path forward.

Movie: Rosewood – mentioned last month, now available on DVD at the library

See also Social and Racial Justice for a larger, growing list of library resource on this topic, and Racial Justice Resources for other internet resources.