COVID-19 Lopez Library Closure Information

Dear Patrons,
We are at an unprecedented moment in our island, state, and country. First, we want to express our gratitude for your support and patience as we continue to evaluate and adjust our operations because of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Effective Friday, March 13, The Lopez Island Library will close. This closure will remain in effect until at least April 1st.  This includes all Library Programs and all Meeting Room reservations. We will be in continued contact with public health officials to evaluate our facilities beyond this timeline. This decision was made by the Library Board of Trustees and Library Staff in partnership with other Lopez Island organizations. Please know we did not make the decision lightly.
It is clear that now is the time for strong and decisive action in order to protect the public we serve every day, as well as our staff and volunteers, who have been going above and beyond to continue providing service over the last several days as this public health crisis has taken hold.
The decision to close does not come easily, as it means a temporary loss of access to the in-person services and gathering spaces the Library is known for providing to so many in our community. However, this does not mean a complete shutdown of Library services.
This is an optimal time to utilize to the fullest the Library’s many online resources including e-books and e-audiobooks; streaming TV and movies; and digital subscriptions to newspapers and magazines, all accessible at home with your library card number.
We will continue to communicate any developments and update you on Monday as to how we plan to continue to serve you during the closure. Also, the Library’s wi-fi networks is always accessible from the Library grounds.
For those of you who have borrowed Library materials in your possession, you do not need to return materials until we are back in full operation.
In the meantime, you can also stay informed through some of the region’s best resources on this crisis, including San Juan County COVID -19 Information, the Washington State Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Sincerely, The Staff and Board of Trustees of the Lopez Island Library