New & Notable “AP Art Students” 5 Student Artists from Lopez Island School District Share their Work, February 10th through March 24th 2017 9 Feb 20174 May 2017 The Lopez Island Library presents a group show of Lopez High school students who are in the AP Art Class at the Lopez School District. Art Instructor Jaimie Terada shared…
New & Notable Library closing early due to snowy conditions 8 Feb 20173 Mar 2017 The library will close at 4pm on Wednesday February 8, 2017 due to snowy roads. Please call 468-2265 or check here in the morning for updates. Please drive safely and…
New & Notable “My Unique View” Artist Alek Taylor-Photographs and Stone Carving; Dec. 30th – February 10, 2017; Artist Reception Jan. 7th, 3-5PM 28 Dec 201610 Feb 2017 Watch Alek's Presentation "I am a native of Washington State and I have a passion for capturing and sharing the beauty of the Pacific Northwest through photography and stone carving.…
New & Notable “Inspirations from Colin Goode” 4 Artists Share their Work Inspired by the Beloved Artist; December 30th through February 10th 2017; Artists Reception Dec. 30th 3-5PM 28 Dec 201610 Feb 2017 The four artists in this month’s library exhibition began to meet to paint informally at Ginny Neece’s studio on Lopez Island a year and a half ago. These include: Liz…
New & Notable Growler Airfield Operations Draft Environmental Impact Statement Now Available 21 Nov 20164 May 2017 In preparation for the December 7th meeting from 3-6 at the Lopez Community Center, the Department of the Navy has provided Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Lopez Islanders to…
New & Notable “Trashion Fashion Couture 2016” November 18-December 30, 2016 throughout the Lopez Library, Artist Reception Fri. Nov. 18th 3-5PM 16 Nov 201611 Jan 2017 The Lopez Island Library is thrilled to present the glamour, creativity and pure joy of the artists featured in Trashion Fashion Couture 2016. Curious? Read on and don't miss this…