Grab n Go materials are ready to pick-up on the shelf in the front hallway of the Library.
To request materials:
1. Place a Hold on Items (you can do this at any time)
Visit our online catalog at Login to your account using your 14-digit Library Card # and password (default is Last Name all lower case). Search for the items you’d like (be sure to select the format you want: print book, audiobook, or DVD), click on the title, then click “Reserve this item.”
For help or to place a hold over the phone, call us at 360-468-2265. You can also update your contact info in “My Account” when logged in – or call us to update or to get your library card number or password.
You may place holds on magazines (current and back issues) as well as books and DVDs.
2. Wait to Hear From Us
You’ll get an email, text or an automated phone call (depending on your preference) when your items are ready for pickup.
4. Grab Your Items and Go!
Your wrapped and labeled items will be on the shelf in the front hallway, in alphabetical order by last name. Enjoy!