The Lopez Island Library invites you to view images of the world that transport and transcend, the photographs of Glenda Pugerude. Browse the work then take a moment to speak with the photographer at a reception opening the exhibit Friday, April 22nd from 3-5.
Glenda Pugerude reflects on her work:
“Brownie, Instamatic, Nikonis, Nikons and Canons….Digital.”
“Fuzzy black and white, fuzzy color, bad photos, better photos, slides, prints and digital.”
“The evolution of one who takes pictures. Self taught. Weddings, families, events, travel and more travel. Vietnam, Peru, Central Europe, Haiti, South Africa, Zambia, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Ireland, Turkey, Israel……..abandoned things, the essence of place, people, light, shadows, micro and macro. Making viewers smile, contemplate, reflect, wish to visit a place and see the extraordinary.”
“I do not take technical photos. Mine are done on the run…..I see something that if I took time to contemplate would be gone. I am an opportunist.”