Board of Trustees

The Lopez Island Library District is served by a five, voting-member Board of Trustees, appointed by the County Commissioners for five-year terms.

Trustees set the direction of the Library by creating policies and long-range plans, assuring compliance with laws, and overseeing the Library budget. The board hires the Director and takes responsibility and liability for the Library, while leaving daily operational management to the Director.

Regular Library Board Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month from Noon to 2pm at the library and with a Zoom option.

Special Library Board Meetings are held, as needed, on the first Tuesday of each month from Noon to 2pm via Zoom.

Please contact for the Zoom link.

Current Board Members:

  • Ann Grech
  • Shari Lane
  • Phyllis Potter, Secretary
  • Robin Ross, Chair
  • Thomas Vinje, Treasurer

Board Minutes

Links for a New Trustee

Chapter 27.12 RCW – Public libraries

American Library Association’s Trustee Tip Sheets

The Washington Public Library Trustee Wiki provides an in-depth discussion of the major issues, laws, and responsibilities that library trustees will need to know about as they guide their libraries. It builds on, incorporates, and updates the content of the Public Library Trustee Reference Manual published in 2001. Please note that this wiki should not be used as a source for legal advice.