Watercolor Storytelling Crafternoons – Saturdays, 2-4pm

Come join Lopez Library Artist in Residence Camilla Wildman on Saturday afternoons for Watercolor Storytelling! This is a process of creating an accordion book of watercolor images that tell a short story. Ages 6 and up, no experience necessary! Free and all supplies included.

Join Camilla on Saturdays from 2-4 pm on : June 22, 29 and July 6.

More about Camilla and her Summer Artist in Residence projects and background:


Residency Overview 
In the format of a children’s book story, I will showcase the various creatures that call Lopez island and the surrounding area home. My goal is to help readers understand the importance of respecting other living creatures, and the natural spaces we all share. Throughout my residency I will be researching the animals of Lopez and spending a lot of time outdoors doing plein air painting. I will be writing the story as well as illustrating. In tandem with my own project, I will be doing weekly drop in meetings with anyone who is interested in exploring the art of watercolor and storytelling. I will offer ideas and guidance where I can, but visitors will be encouraged to experiment and explore, and create their own illustrated short stories in the form of a book.
Artist Bio

 I am a children’s book illustrator, and I use both watercolor and various printmaking methods to create my work. Within my work, I like to mix themes of playfulness, peacefulness, exploration, and the natural world. Through the stories and accompanying paintings I create, I urge children to revel in this time of their life, and use their time to play with their friends, create anything that comes to mind, and explore the world around them. I take inspiration from the greats, such as Beatrix Potter and Maurice Sendak, but I am interested in making modern stories for modern kids.

With my paintings, I utilize watercolor to create the worlds I have in mind. The color, the translucence of the paint, and the unexpected patterns all lend themselves to the dreamy and nostalgic imagery I aim to create. With printmaking, I primarily utilize silkscreen and woodcut/linoleum block printing. These methods of printmaking tend to be laborious and limiting, which makes for great design challenges. My prints tend to use limited color palettes, and are very heavy on shape and line. I tend to simplify my style to fit this very punchy and graphic method, but I find this simplification can be more effective, depending on what I’m trying to communicate.

Links to my work: